A Tension Control Bolts consists of 1 bolt, 1 nut and 1 washer, pre-assembled and there for they are shown, 1 lot number, on the certification paperwork. Tension Control Bolts assemblies come with their own built in tension control device (spline) to ensure dependable and repeatable tension levels are achieved with each installation. They are installed with a specialized electric shear wrench that has an outer socket that turns the nut counterclockwise, while grabbing the spline with the inner socket turning it clockwise. When the proper tension level has been achieved the spline snaps off giving you a visual indication of proper installation. TC bolts use a proprietary lubrication on the nut, to control the clamping force of the bolt and ensure the appropriate tension level is achieved. Because of this proprietary lubrication, it is NOT permissible to re-lubricated TC bolts, in the field, only the manufacture of a TC bolt can re-lubricate a TC assembly.Commonly used in critical steel applications, tension control bolts feature a spline that disconnects when the appropriate bolt tension is reached. These tension control bolt assemblies come with nuts and washers.